STDs - They are everywhere....

Here in India, calls out of state are called STD. I'm not sure what exactly this abbreviation means, but I will tell you that it takes me about 20 attempts to dial a number. The STD code refers to the equivalent of an Area code in the US. From what I can tell, there really is no standard telephone numbering from one area to another, at least not one I standard. So, whenever I sit down to make a phone call, I need to give myself 2-4 attempts to get through.

I have been able to find some patterns around the telephone system. Here are my initial learnings:
  1. All phone numbers are 10 digits long, and made up of three parts
    1. Cell phones: STD code, Provider code, and subscriber number
    2. Landline: STD code & subscriber number
  2. When in the Delhi Metro, and dialing a land line, I do not need to use the 'STD' code. I can make a normal 7 digit call
  3. When dialing a cell phone in Delhi Metro, I need to use an STD code & start the number with a zero
  4. Dialing a land line in India outside of Delhi Metro, I need to use a zero & an STD code followed by the 7 digits
  5. All phone numbers are not 7 digits. It is possible to have 6,7 or 8 digit phone number
  6. STD codes can be 2, 3 or 4 digits
Further confusing things is the fact that the grouping of numbers is done differently.

In the states, we typically do a 3,3,4 grouping. As in: 555-555-5555. In India, I've seen many groupings, but typically it looks something like: 66000666 (number for McDonalds delivery), +91-11-41414141 (Mega Cabs radio taxi).

This just goes to show that something as simple as making a phone call can be much more difficult than you expect it to be. Not that it is a big deal per se, just that it is one of those little hurdles you can't anticipate.


praneeth said...

STD stands for Subscriber trunk dialling, basically used to connect 2 exchanges, they are some attempts to simplify numbering in past